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I’ve never considered myself to be fond of insects. In fact, I am pretty darn quick at squashing multiple legged creepy crawly critters. Maybe it’s the pretty yellow wings, or the little goat face that pulls at my heart strings. Frankie is still staying at my house and is far too cute to put in harms way.

Up through mid-day 5, I fed Frankie water. I was not experienced in feeding butterflies and didn’t know what to do with it. He was getting angry. It was very obvious. I found instructions on how and what to feed Frankie.
Learn how to save butterflies too!

Mixing up a teaspoon of simple syrup with a third cup White Cherry flavored Powerade (my #1 favorite flavor) and soaking a cotton ball in it was a recipe for success. Frankie LOVED it. He cut the attitude and we are back on good terms.

And our journey continues…

Day 4

Grouchy attitude. Not happy with water.

Day 5

Simple syrup with Powerade… Delish!

Day 6

I’m not letting go! Sugar-coma here we come!