Act like a lady. Lift like a boss.


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Dr Seuss has said “We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.”

I like to go to the gym. I think it’s fun, exciting and if I don’t feel my muscles aching the next day, I don’t think I pushed myself hard enough. I’ve met a lot of people that think this way of thinking is absolutely insane. But sometimes I meet people that have the same mindset, who like to get super sweaty and love being active with constant personal improvement. He makes smile like a little kid, gets my humor, and likes running/biking/climbing with me. I’ve met a good match.

I bought a new pair of running shoes the other day. I had worn out my Adidas Adios2 sneaks. This time I went with the Adidas Boston3 sneaks. They are similar, but I can’t say that I wasn’t swayed by the hot pink color of the Boston3’s. I love hot pink!


I hit the gym this evening.

Fully kitted out in Lululemon. I love their gear!

Started out the workout with a lifting class.

Gotta act like a lady, and lift like a boss. Boom, Boom, POW!

Next I went to a spin class. Spin, spin, spin! I get so sweaty in spin classes. It’s simply amazing.

I had a newbie set her bike up next to me. I sensed a need for assistance so I got her fitted on her bike. I want to see people love workout classes like I do. If they have a good experience, I bet they will be more likely to come back. Who else loves my dirty brown spin shoes?

I followed up with a abs/core class. It’s short and sweet but so brutal! I finished up with a 5k on the treadmill while watching the Bachelor premier and texting my bestie about her thoughts on the show. It was definitely multi-tasking at it’s finest.

Now I am exhausted. I’m sure I could have pushed a bit harder, but there’s always next time. I had to get home to check on my butterfly Frankie. He is still rocking out, eating the Powerade/simple syrup mix.

Day 7

Watching the Packers destroy the Vikings. Go Pack Go! I vote Frankie is a Packer fan because he has yellow wings.

Day 8

Breakfast of champions! Not Wheaties, but close enough.

Day 9

Today I added a tiny bit of soy sauce like the website recipe had suggested. Win! He ate it up!

Life can be crazy at times, but what makes me weird is the same thing that keeps me sane. Things are changing all the time. What makes you, you? Will you dare to be different or try to fit in with a crowd? Here is a quote to end the night, “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go…” by Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You’ll Go!

Live simply so others can simply live.


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I’ve never considered myself to be fond of insects. In fact, I am pretty darn quick at squashing multiple legged creepy crawly critters. Maybe it’s the pretty yellow wings, or the little goat face that pulls at my heart strings. Frankie is still staying at my house and is far too cute to put in harms way.

Up through mid-day 5, I fed Frankie water. I was not experienced in feeding butterflies and didn’t know what to do with it. He was getting angry. It was very obvious. I found instructions on how and what to feed Frankie.
Learn how to save butterflies too!

Mixing up a teaspoon of simple syrup with a third cup White Cherry flavored Powerade (my #1 favorite flavor) and soaking a cotton ball in it was a recipe for success. Frankie LOVED it. He cut the attitude and we are back on good terms.

And our journey continues…

Day 4

Grouchy attitude. Not happy with water.

Day 5

Simple syrup with Powerade… Delish!

Day 6

I’m not letting go! Sugar-coma here we come!

Butterflies in Winter


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Here’s to a new year. New goals. New opportunities. New funny, ironic situations that somehow make sense down the road. Goodbye 2012- hello 2013!

I found a butterfly in my house the other day. I named it Frankie, because I don’t know the gender. Not sure where it came from, but I like it, and I think it likes me too. It’s way too cold to let it go outside- so the plan is for it to chill out on a plant near a window until it warms up a bit outside.

I think this new friend is a fighter, a champ, a strong-willed rock star. This is our common ground. Don’t worry Frankie, I got yo back!

Day 1

Getting familiar with surroundings.

Day 2

Looking out the window.

Day 3

Hydration is key!

I’m not sure why there is a butterfly in my house, but it makes me smile.

Pep-talk in the mail.


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I am a bargain finder when it comes to shopping for apparel. I have a hard time paying full price, even when I know it would be the perfect, gotta have it piece. When it comes to athletic apparel, I have a lot of it. Give a girl a break, I like wearing spandex. I find it extremely comfortable. I find myself post bike race, changing out of a cycling kit and into a different spandex outfit. So, I make an appearance at Dick’s Sporting Goods on occasion, sale rack of course. I got a reward card coupon in the mail today. I swear I should have had many more by now unless a) they get thrown out b) they have been swiped by other people or c) half of the time I tell the cashier to forget looking up my name because it takes so long.


Me? Untouchable? Well thank you. I like getting pep-talks in the mail. However, Untouchable? A different adjective could have been used here. I will consider it to be recognition of awesomeness!

On the topic of sale racks and bargain shopping, I ran into some spectacular deals today. I bought an Alice + Olivia Tiffany dress at 70% off; fits like a glove. I bought an Elizabeth and James chamomile silk blouse at 98% off. I probably skipped out the store after finding these gems.



I don’t know why, but wearing something that I got a great deal on feels so much more amazing than something I paid a full price for. It makes me feel like I found buried treasure or won a scavenger hunt trophy.

Cornmeal-and-Lime Butter Cookies


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I like to cook, bake, mix, saute, blend a variety of sweet, spicy, savory dishes that challenge my creativity while keeping it healthy and delicious. I am not a crazy fan of cakes. However, I can’t turn down a cookie. I was at the grocery store, flipping through the Better Homes and Gardens magazine dedicated to only holiday cookie recipes. I wasn’t completely sure what exactly I wanted to find. I was already trying to hold my heavy basket on my forearm, I didn’t think I was going to buy much… wrong.

I came across Cornmeal-and-Lime Butter Cookies. Perfect. I already had most of the ingredients except for the limes, dang, on the completely opposite side of the store. Why isn’t there an easier way to get across to the produce section from the dairy corner? At least my left arm was getting a good workout.


This was probably the easiest cutout cookie recipe I have ever made. They were quite tasty, not a trillion calories and simple. However, a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side would have been perfect.


After all ’tis the season for holiday goodies!

Cornmeal-and-lime butter cookies recipe

Officially winter.


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I woke up this morning to a winter wonderland. Huge snowflakes falling from the dull gray sky. As much as I immediately feel my heart sink thinking of all the things I didn’t do enough of this spring to fall… I know I will have just as many opportunities to try new things this winter season.

I look forward to learning to ski. Taking Elsa out to search for animal tracks. Snow angels. Snow ball fights. Hot chocolate that makes my nose run and face thaw out. Wearing so many layers of clothing that my arms won’t lay flat.

There’s always next season to pick up the pace with my bike racing. I will hold myself to it.

Thanksgiving morning sun.


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Good morning! 50 degrees with 20 mph winds… with SUN! Perfect for a 8 mile run.

More importantly, it’s Thanksgiving. Everyone has their rituals today. I like to reflect on what I am grateful for.

I tend to expect a lot from myself. Life is always changing whether I like it or not. Staying in the moment is a difficult task especially since I wanted this, that and the other thing to happen yesterday.

Grateful for #1: Even when life throws you a curve ball, things manage to work out better than initially planned. Five years ago- there was no way you would see me on a bike, or doing anything physically beneficial for that matter. After feeling extreme hopelessness, I choose a different path. Hello hobbies, friends, happiness and a job!

Grateful for #2: People that are there for you, and like you just the way you are. These people, outside immediate family, are hard to find. When you find them, hold on tight!

Off to go visit my Grandpa.